Here at Clip ‘n Climb Leeds, our team are passionate to share our ethos around inclusion for all, supporting groups and individuals to challenge themselves and promoting healthy lifestyle activities.
We try and support as many people as possible climbing either through specific events, work with charities and groups, and through 1:1 activity.
Although we don’t currently hold regular SEND Sessions, our team are happy to run a special session for those climbers with special educational needs (contact the centre if you would like to help organise such an event).
Otherwise our team are happy to recommend a time when we can provide a calm environment for all members of the family to climb. We can turn the music right down if needed, and if booked in advance we can ensure there are plenty of instructors to help.
Siblings are welcome to climb in the same session.
We have the latest specifically approved SEND friendly Assist Hoist System which is used in conjunction with The Adventure harness. This is a full body harness that has been specifically designed to cater for a wide age and size variance.
We also have a Chute Harness for those climbers who require fully assisted climbing, they are suspended in the harness and neck support (if required) via the Assist Hoist System. This is where you the parent/carer get involved and join in the experience. You will be shown how to use the Assist Hoist System and together you will help the climber achieve their goals.
We also have a mobile hoist for assisting with fitting the harness to anyone wheelchair bound. This hoist may also be used in our disabled WC where we have a rise and fall change table.
Pre-visits are recommended to come and view the facilities and discuss any queries you may have.
Here at Clip ‘n Climb Leeds we will endeavour to get anyone climbing, however there may be limitations we can’t overcome.